Fun, entertaining and educational assemblies, classes, workshops and shows for schools


Fun, entertaining and educational assemblies, classes, workshops and shows for schools

The Carey & Paul Group has been providing entertaining school assemblies (elementary, middle and high school) as well as workshops and a variety of classes for many years. We all know that kids learn much better if they are enjoying themselves while learning, and all of our programs will do just that. Contact us today for more information or available programs and dates. Visit our Schools and Libraries page on the website.

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Acclaimed (and really fun) Anti-bullying presentation

This elementary school anti-bullying school assembly program discusses and educates students on how to avoid and prevent bully behavior by promoting positive behavior skills, building character, and creating a safe school, all while having fun.

Students learn:

How to safely report bullying behavior

How to safely support and help a fellow student being bullied

How to create an "I am not a bully positive behavior checklist"

Richard Paul mixes ventriloquism, magic, music and lots of audience participation to create a fun, unforgettable educational experience. He is a trained Bully Free Schools presenter who continues to keep up-to-date on information and tools that will help students avoid bullying behavior and promote a safe school.

Constitution History Show

A fun, educational history/constitution program that discusses both constitutional principles and fundamental beliefs. This powerful American Constitution educational assembly presentation playfully promotes a greater understanding of what makes up the American government and the freedoms that define the Red, White and Blue. Best suited for grades 3 - 6.

Students will learn:

- first 3 articles of the Constitution

- first 10 amendments to the Constitution

- definition of good citizen and proud American

Richard Paul and his friend Peking Duck playfully discuss life, liberty, diversity, justice and the common good. The students and the teachers join in on an educational/entertaining song about Due Process of Law which explains the definitions of the fifth, sixth and seventh amendments of the constitution. Students and teachers are chosen to dress up and become the three branches of government to demonstrate how a bill becomes a law.

The Science of the Circus

Chuck Clark is an hilarious, talented juggler and magician who entertains audiences everywhere with his wonderful comedy juggling show.

And his hysterically entertaining Science of the Circus show is very popular in school and library settings. Why does a spinning ball balance better than one that’s not? Why does a whip make that cracking sound and how? Find out this and more in this educational show where Chuck explains the science, math, and physics behind the circus! And thoroughly entertains the audience at the same time.

Fossils, Earth and Science

Kids love dinosaurs. This fascinating and fun assembly program explores digging up fossils, learning what's below he earth's surface and the history they can find in their own backyards. Being an Earth Scientist for a day is great fun as students learn about the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the biosphere, magnetic fields, gravity and much more.

Students will travel the earth with Mr. Educate and explore theJurassic world of dinosaurs and other fossils. Learning about, then creating your own volcanic lava explosion is just some of the interesting and miraculous science learning in this fun, interactive presentation.

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Make Learning Magical

Everyone loves magic, but it's even more fun if you're the one performing it. These fun and entertaining magic classes can be designed for teens and pre-teens. While the students are having lots of fun learning and performing, they are also enhancing their cognitive and dexterity skills and improving their memories. Not to mention the boost in self-confidence.

The students will learn some basic sleight-of-hand to practice, as well as a number of astonishing tricks that they will be able to perform right away.

Gary Thison is a stand-up comedian and magician with a passion for sharing his craft. Recent magic classes have been enjoyed by libraries, cities, parks and rec associations as well as virtually via Zoom.

We can provide a one-time, two hour class or weekly one-hour classes. 

Contact CPG today to learn about many more school assemblies, workshops, classes and more. More info here.

For more than 45 years the Carey and Paul Group has helped create memorable moments for clients and their guests. Our professional staff has assisted corporations, parks and recreation event planners, festivals, fairs and convention planners to produce outstanding events and programs. Bands, orchestras, comedians, clowns, magicians, jugglers, fire eaters, caricature artists and so much more. Our goal is to make you look good.
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